She has been waiting for the morning for so long that she couldn't believe her eyes when the sharp shadows cast by the street-lamps through the metallic blinds of Luke's window started to fade, diluted by the onset of daylight.
She found her script by the side of the bed lamp. She was making progress..rapid progress.
She could here Luke whistling from the Kitchen, he must be preparing tea for them both. He has been doing that for the past seven days since she moved in with him contrary to what Francis had said.
Francis couldn't imagine what she may likely go through staying in that house with Debby when he was away on business trip at France. He had asked her to stay and that once he gets back, everything will be settled..when she remembered she had a boyfriend, she knew she had to tell him that she lost her job. Luke had been too eager to accommodate her..he of course didn't know the whole story except that her boss got angry with her and she lost her job.
Francis was arriving today. she couldn't wait to see him especially since Luke had been on her neck and she was close to telling him everything, the sooner she leaves the better for the three of them.
It had been difficult with Luke trying to adjust with the whole fake relationship thing with Francis but all she could tell him was too trust her. She knew she was not being fair,,but she had promised Francis not to tell Luke anything ..besides, if she says something, Luke would only try to talk her out of her book and she was making great progress..she could already feel it..even with the response she got from Madame Lydia when she sent her the soft copy of the chapters ..she was given 70 marks..all she needed was the 30 percent which would be easier once she was through writing.
Her phone rang and she picked it..it was Francis..
"Rosa, where are you?"
"Where are you too francis?"
"I just got to Nigeria now and Steve is here to pick me from the airport, he said you have not been home.."
Rosa swallowed.
"Yes, I have been with Luke."
"You there Francis?"
"I thought I told you not to" he sounded angry.
What was his problem? She thought.
"He is my boyfriend Francis and I can go and stay with him" She said emphatically.
Another silence..
"Okay, pack your things, send me your direction..I'm coming over there to pick you.."
"You can't just come and pick me Francis, I need to talk things through with Luke.,"
"What things? You wanna tell him about the whole thing"
"No..not about the whole thing..just the reason why I need to leave"
"which is?"
"I will sort it out..just give me some time"
"You have thirty minutes. Else, I will tell the press you have been kidnapped"
"What!" She shouted but he ended the call. She hissed and put the phone beside her pillow.
Just then , Luke came in, carrying a tray containing two cups and a flask of hot tea which he
placed carefully on the table, poured some tea into one of the cups and handed it to her while
he poured his.
Later, he moved to sit beside her, allowing his tea to get cooler..
"Was that Francis..?"
Rosa almost got her tongue burnt..but she put down the cup and nodded slightly.
'He wants you to come back right?"
She nodded.
"What did you tell him?"
"Well..I need a job Luke..."
"What job?" He demanded. "A job as a PFG?"

She squinted. "What does that even mean?"
"Permanent Fake Girlfriend..incase you are wondering"
She almost burst into laughter. PFG...seriously?
"Luke, It's not as bad as you are making it seem..besides, there is nothing in between us..I already told you"
"I don't trust him Rosaline"
okay...here we go again..
"Luke,please, I'm sure that is nit the job he has for me,okay? And I'm sure the whole fake
relationship thing will be over soon" She tried as much as possible to placate him.
"I can get you a job Rosa...you don't need to work with him!'
Uh..oh...get her a job and she forgets her book..her future..her career! Hold your horses
" Luke..please..I gat this okay?"
"So you are saying no to my job and you wanna take his job?"
"Well...I'm sure his job will pay much better than whatever you can offer me."
He looked hurt.
"Because he is Francis? and he is rich?"
She didn't want to hurt him anylonger. She drew closer and held his two hands.
"I pay for my schooling Luke..I need the money please, this is not about wanting to hurt you.
This is just my life and me taking charge. Please just trust me."
"You said your boss got angry with you, the lady of the house. So are you saying you want to
go stay in that same house?"
To this she gave no reply.
"You can still stay here, you know"
She sighed again..this was just getting out of hand.
"I will ask Francis.." She replied without thinking.
He stared at her in disbelief. "You will ask your fake boyfriend before you can stay with your
real boyfriend?"
She gasped. That wasn't what she meant..but it sure seemed like that.....dear God!
"Please Luke.." She pleaded. It is not how it seems, please just trust me."
He stood up.
"You are asking too much of me Rosa and this can only work if I get to meet with him"
What! No he didn't just say that!
"Luke..you...wanna meet him?"
"Yeah" he replied. "I 'd love to meet my girlfriend's fake boyfriend. I need to set some
boundaries okay? You seem to know him very well, he shouldn't have any problem with
that except if he has something to hide"
Before she could reply, he was already leaving the room.
She was in a deep shit no doubt! Barely a week in the relationship and it was already a mess.Thank you so much Francis!
She dialled his number and gave him the update.
"No. I don't have time for that Rosa."
Now she was getting angry.
"Francis! You need to meet with him okay? "
"Why?" He asked stubbornly.
"He's scared that you can't be trusted"
"I don't need his trust Rosa.." He replied angrily.
"But I do!" She snapped right back at him. "This thing ..this fake thing cannot get in between my own real life okay! You may have been used to the whole drama with Debby but I don't wanna be part of it"
That silenced him for a while..but then he started laughing.
"You are already part of it Rosa. Did you even tell Luke about the main story about your book? hmm? besides, Debby still doesn't know about this does she? So you are lying to Luke and you lied to Debby! "
"I just decided to keep some things..i didnt lie to anyone!"
"Didn't you? Anyways..tomorrow I will choose the location, 7pm sharp and tell your boyfriend to suit up. by the way, I am expecting the direction"
"Go to hell Francis!" She retorted and banged the call.
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