Tuesday 18 July 2017

CHAPTERS 1-3 For Our Newbies

Hiya! Welcome on board..I got a message concerning the absence of chapters 1-3 and I needed to do something ASAP. 
Apologies to those that are waiting for the update. We just need to make a quick detour or as the case may be .repetition..I hope we understand.
Thanks cos I know we do.
Please know that you are reading at your own risk since the chapters are not edited...yet.

CAST..(STill updating)



Narrators POV

Chapter 1
Francis immediately closed his eyes, the sight of the man's naked butt replaying in his head as he hurriedly picked up his discarded clothes on the floor of the bedroom, trying to protect his modesty.
"Sorry man." Francis hears the man pathetically say as he hurriedly brushed by him at door of the room.
Upon opening his eyes, Debby was now cowering at the edge of the bed, holding her blanket, to cover up her nakedness. She was unable to meet his gaze, rightfully so, she should be ashamed.
The ache in his chest increased and he felt like his heart was being ripped bit by bit into tiny pieces, the mental and emotional pain he was feeling all over so acute. He was just done.
He took in a deep breath and breathed it out slowly, so he could find his voice and address her.
She ignored him and curled into a ball, covering her face with her hands, her whole body was shuddering.
"Deborah" he repeated, "What is wrong with you? How could you do this again? Is it a curse or what? Please tell me. Wasn't that the ex that maltreated you?"
He said a short prayer, so he wouldn't lose his mind. He watched her lift her head, but still did not meet his gaze as she finally spoke. Her lips quivering as a cry escaped from her mouth along with the words
"I'm sorry."
He went numb all over,  he was done being angry, now he was just plain old bitter. He needed to let out the negative energy that was building up within him before he did something he would regret. He took hold of a plastic chair that was nearest to him, his fingers curling around it, before he swung it against the wall, with all his might. The chair broke into pieces, before clattering noisily to the floor.
"You are sorry?"
He gritted his teeth as he advanced towards the bed while she recoiled further. "You were sorry for the last one, the one before, the first one and now you are sorry again?" He wallowed in silence, before he sat at the edge of the bed, frustration and dejection creasing his face.
"I'm so sorry Francis please." She sobbed harder, try to edge closer to him, but the withering glare he shot her made her stop in her tracks and return to her former position.
"What exactly is your problem Deborah? Why do you like hurting me this much? When did loving turn into such heartache? This is the third year of our relationship for God's sake! You just had to cheat again and on the day of our anniversary."
He couldn't help but lament bitterly. He dipped his hand into his trousers pocket and brought out a small red box.
"Look. I said look!" He exclaimed at her.
She gasped as she saw the box, and then he opened it to show her the ring. She let out a sob and the quivering of her lips increased as she tried to plead again "Francis, please forgive me this will be the last time, I promise it won't happen again."
He laughed darkly "Because I've turned into a fool for you right?" She stood up frantically and grabbed him, the blanket dropping to reveal her perfect naked body as she clung onto his arm.
"Francis, you love me. You still do, don't you?"
The smirk that came upon his face was so dark, he cocked so he could stare her right in the face, looking eye to eye as he quietly said, stressing each word.
"Get away from me you whore! I swear by the time I'm through with you no one will recognise you, not even those idiots you sleep around with, would want to have anything to do with you."
She gasped alarmed and scared at the words that just left his mouth and the formidable look he was giving her. She recoiled from him, making no attempt to cover her body, she huddled in a corner, her face in her hands, now sobbing freely and noisily.
He put the box back in his pocket, got up from the bed and took a few steps towards the door, before he stopped, to look back at her.
"I hate you, Deborah. For using the love I have for you against me." Without further ado, he opened the door to the room and left, slamming the door shut behind him.


Debby immediately wiped her face with her blanket, relieved that he had finally left. She left the bed and slowly walked to the other side of the room to the front of a wooden First Aid box hanging on the wall.  She opened it and reached for a small container, which she opened hurriedly and brought to her lip, drowning the content from the container into her mouth. Shutting her eyes as the taste of the pills hit her buds, she swallowed as she replaced the cover of the container, taking it with her while forgetting to close the box.
Taking a few strides to her standing mirror, she stopped as she examined herself in the mirror, her face remained expressionless as she remembered that her boyfriend or should she say fiancé had just caught her in bed with her Ex.
She hissed and entered her bathroom. She sighed as the cold water from the shower ran down her warm body, and so many unfiltered thoughts found their way in her mind.
How could she have forgotten it was their anniversary? She should stop underestimating Francis when she knew it was like him to do something stupid exactly like coming to her room unexpectedly. Although they were in a relationship he shouldn't have to come unannounced, it was common courtsey. So what he was the one paying the rent? She sighed as she thought regretfully she really should have asked Pipi to have taken her to a hotel.

Mother would be so angry with her when she heard this. She turned off the shower, stretching her hands to remove the towel from where it was hanging, and dried herself as she walked out of the bathroom.
Mother has always liked Francis, she was the main reason why she was still with him. If not she would have left his pathetic ass long ago. Maybe it was because he was a medical doctor, she grimaced, a boring doctor who seldom had time for her. Or was it because he was a little bit fine/ Yet still not as handsome as Pipi, and the tattoos on Pipi's body were such a turn on for her.
Francis wouldn't even get a single tattoo on his arm, as he thought himself to be so self-righteous and above people with tattoos.
"I am a decent guy Debby. Not a drug dealer!"
She rolled her eyes as she remembered the night she and Francis had the discussion about tattoos.
She plugged in her hair dryer and proceeded to dry her shower wet hair.
She knew her mother won't agree and let her have way, she was Francis biggest fan in our relationship, he could do no wrong. It was bad, people would have thought she actually brought them together.
She cocked her head to the other side which was still a little wet, as she did so, she caught her reflection in the mirror.

With her voluminous hair, pointy nose, curled eyelashes and perfect jawline, a killer shape and beautiful skin. Who else would have been chosen to be the Campus Queen aside from her? No one.

Her features and much more had lured so many men into her bed, that all she needed to do was snap her fingers and men would fall to her will unbidden. She was a celebrity, an idol and she would enjoy it to the fullest. Her mother was just her biggest problem.
She knew she had no choice than to see her now. She knew what her mother would say, but she still had to go and report herself. Because after all, she wasn't ready to lose the only parent she had left. 


Francis POV(Point of View)

The speakers were bursting with all their might as the DJ kept spinning, doing what he could do best. Many hands were raised up, as their owners moved in rhythm to the deafening music. Sweltering bodies crowded the enclosed space, their hips gyrating in emphasis with the pulsating music which was reverberating around the open air. Vibrant laser lights beamed across the wooden dance floor. Couples pressed their bodies against each other in an interlocking moment of serenity.
He really shouldn't be here. It was a bad idea; he needed to go back-
He felt a vibration on his chest and in a moment, he brought out his Phone, he wasn't surprised to see Romeo's face on the bright screen. Too late. He's been spotted. He had no choice now than to go ahead.
He found him seated in a less crowded corner of the floor. What seemed like ten bottles of beer and expensive wine were on the table before him and Of course, he was flanked on each side by two ladies, whose boobs were almost falling out of the cloth they were putting on.
Francis scowled. Romeo would never change. He had called him here and being his best friend, he had no choice than to go. Who else could make him forget his sorrows and worries if not for his crazy best friend, Romeo.
"Ladies, meet my man, my best friend, the one and only Doctor Francis Jonas" He introduced him proudly to the ladies who all chorused "hey".
"Francis, these are my bae." Romeo continued as he drew the lady by the left closer. Her eyelashes were too full and were shooting out like twigs. "This is Bella and this is Nessa". The other lady seemed prettier. Cute pointy nose and a pair of sensuous lips, her hair floated around her like sea weed. She was a pretty thing.
Francis nodded with a smile "Hi ladies. How y'all doing?" they returned his greeting with smiles and he took a seat.
"Man, I've been waiting for you. What happened to you?" Romeo demanded, passing him a bottle of beer which he held in his hand, not drinking yet. "That chick cheated on you again?"
"Yep. She did it before and she did it again." He replied, raising the bottle to his lips as he added "Just like you said she would."
"Man, I cannot take delight in your sorrow..I'm really sorry." Romeo replied, lowering his head. "That Shit ain't loyal. The girl is just a total whore." He shook his head. "I still don't know why good men end up with whores like that.
Francis shrugged as he lay slouched on the seat while he paid languid attention to his friend.
"This is why fooling around is so much better.." Romeo continued "Everyone knows I'm as rich as anything, thanks to my dad. Yes, I'm irresponsible and I play around. I am happy with the life I leave. I have no reason to suffer any heartbreak because my heart is not involved. Get your heart involved and you are doomed forever." He sat up straight. "Take for instance, these two babes, they are my toys.."
"I beg your pardon" Bella interrupted, Francis noticed she looked offended.
"Yes babe. You are my toys. You only follow me around because of my money and once I am done with you, just like toys, I discard you, like right now."
Francis wasn't surprised as Nesa's hand hit Romeo across the cheek..Romeo however, seemed shocked
"Idiot" Nessa hissed as she left with Bella.
Francis raked with laughter at his friend who was getting over the shock of having been slapped by a woman. Romeo put a hand on his cheek as he lighted a ciga in the other.
"At least, it was my cheek, not my heart." Romeo said, sticking the lighted ciga in between his lips.
"You gotta promise me this time that you would never forgive her Man" Romeo continued. "You have given her too many chances, I understand you love her but she s taking you for a fool. I know she's beautiful and everything, but, dude, its going too long. She won't change. She is a model you know, she wants fame, popularity, fast money, being with you for her, is not enough. Please..I wont tell you this again..let her go"
Francis sighed. His friend was right in ever way. He has forgiven her so many times because he sincerely loved her. He couldn't even explain the love. Even though she kept hurting him, he knew deep down he still loved her, just as he had always. How could you love someone that keeps hurting you?
She was the most beautiful lady he had ever seen and he had always thought she would change. Wouldn't you give someone you love countless chances to make up for their mistakes?
He had thought engaging her would make things better. He had been such a fool!
They had met in the hospital. She was so sick and she could have died. She had an accident which almost claimed her life. For two months, he didn't go home. She was too beautiful to just die like that. He made her his priority and he abandoned all other patients for her. He almost got fired but she survived. He stayed with her throughout the hospital. When she later opened her eyes and called him "Doctor" he knew he fell in love with her that moment.
Her mother was more than grateful to him. She invited him over to their house and that was when he asked her out, few months later. She became a model of "LA VOGUE," a popular fashion magazine there in Amaac. A year later and the cheating started..through the year it got worse. How could he still love her?
God!he was really going crazy! He was supposed to introduce her to the only person like a mother to him and that has failed also..maybe it was really time to let go but...Could he really do it this time?....



"You what!"
Debby lowered her gaze as mother snapped at her. She knew this was going to happen.
The middle aged woman put down the powder case she was holding on her dressing table and advanced slowly towards her.
"You mean, Francis caught you cheating on him? In the house he rented for you?.." she took another step further, her brows bumping against each other as she continued. "On the bed you both share.. , did you lose your mind girl.. ?" she stopped right in front of her.
"It was a mistake mum, okay" She retorted defensively. "I swear I didn't know he was coming at the time. Besides, Pipi came with all beautiful and expensive stuffs, I couldn't send him away."
She noticed the look of disappointment and shock that flashed across her mother's face, and then she realized she mentioned the name. she regretted it instantly, she shouldn't have done that . She bit her nails as her mother came calmly to sit beside her, while she sat, face turned to the other side.
"Did I hear you say Pipi?" her mother asked quietly,but she made no sound as she bit on her lower lip..knowing she has said too much.
"You mean, the same Pipi who was driving that night you almost lost your life if not for this wonderful doctor that took great care of you and God used to bring you back to life?"
She shut her eyes. Her mother really had a point..yet she wouldn't give up..
She exploded out of the seat. "Yes mother! It was Pipi okay? He was so sweet and was apologetic, I had to forgive him at one point. Besides, I never knew he was related to the Editor of "LA VOGUE" it will really help in my career mother"
"You know I have heard of your waywardness since you were made the Queen campus of your campus and you became a model. Just know that if not for Francis, you may have died and would you be talking about career right now ?
This modeling stuff has turned you into a prostitute. All you do is whore around in the name of fame and money! Remember, Francis.."
"Mother!" Debby screamed, her chest rising and falling, she has heard enough. "If you know Francis is so perfect, why don't you go and marry him! Everything I do mother, I do them because I learned from you!"
She heard her mother winced and she was satisfied as she continued. "You dragged me from my fathers house because he was poor and you wanted money! The person you ran away with only deceived you and you had to start all over again all because you were too ashamed to go back to my father. So please, I look for money okay? You thought me that So excuse me ! Don't force me to be with him! I don't want a broke man like him! His work is too boring for me! If he's too perfect go marry him!" she expected her mother to tell her to get out of the house> she had acted too rude. She was even prepared, she would go out and leave the house and never come back..
"My darling child.."
Her mother was suddenly behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder and talking to her in the most soothing voice..No no no! She wouldn't fall for that again.
"You know I want the best for you" Mother continued. Her voice was as cool as a rainy day and as clear as crystal.
"I made mistakes with your father, if I can take it back I would dear daughter. I let money take the best thing that I could offer you which is a complete and a happy family. I took that from you and I know you can never forgive me. I can only plead for yo not to make the same mistake that I made."
She gave no reply still and was still not looking at her mother.
"You can have all the fun you want. You are a grown woman and you are free to do what makes you happy.."
What! Did that just come from her mother?
"...however, be very wise and please, we have hotels, you can go there, just don't hurt Francis while you have your fun. He has been nothing but nice to you"
Debby smiled. This was way better than all their discussions. If she was correct, her mother just said she could have fun. Well, that was fair enough, even though it didn't really require her mother's consent. She knew her mother only wanted peace. She could work with that.
"So how do we bring Francis back mother?" She asked
"I think I have the perfect plan" her mother replied "But that will be when I get back from my outing. I've got a date"
Debby laughed, looking quite surprised.
"A date mother? I thought there were no more good men.."
" We got to manage the bad ones that are left my darling"
At this they both laughed.
"Alright Mother, let me help dress you up" 



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