Tuesday 18 July 2017




"So you are saying he may not likely make it Francis?."

He didn't reply. He was just so exhausted internally. Having gotten home and meeting his father unconscious was the worst kind of pain..he had called Angela immediately and they had all met at his former place of work(Nicholas' Hospital is under construction still). Even Romeo had come with them.

He had spent the entire night at his father's side , holding his hand as he slept peacefully. Romeo and Angela had stayed through out the night with them.He had missed several of Rosa's calls..he had forgotten he was supposed to pick her. He had even left his phone at home before Steve brought it that morning and he tried her number so many times, it was not reachable.
He later comncluded she must have spent the night at Lukes. "What about his wife John?" Francis asked.

"That Girl.." John hissed."She is being dramatic on the T.V.crying and talking to the press for the nation to pray for her husband". he took the remote by the bed side and pressed a button, the T.V came on and there was Debby, adorned in ornaments and crying while addressing the Press.

Both Angela and Romeo hissed at the same time..

"I always hated that girl..." Said Angela and kept quiet  realising..Frank may have heard her even though he wasn't awake.

"I didn't want this to get to the Press John" Frank said bitterly. "What kind of demon is this lady?"

John shook his head. "I have no idea"

"You should know since you were the on ethat brought her into this house John!" Francis snapped.

"An action I regret everyday" John replied soberly.

"Please, pray for Frank,he is on a sick bed now..pray for my husband all the people of Nigeria. I am too young to be a widow..."

"Ma, how close were you with your mother?" One of the press men asked.
"What do you mean?" replied Debby as Perri dabbed handkerchief on her  wet face.

 " we got a message of murder some minutes ago at No 33 airport road and the information I got is that you grew up in that house with your mother..."

Debby looked confused.
"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying the body found belonged to one Jessica Patterson, was she your mother?"

Debby exploded out of her seat.. "Wait..hold on...." she was breathing fast..."Did you say my mother was killed?"

"Yes madam..and the culprit was captured..a miss Rosa  Lina..who information says used to work for you...?"

Every one in the room gasped upon hearing Rosa and just at that time , Debby sreamed and fainted..there was panic on the T.v and John pressed a button, putting it off.

No one spoke, all exchanging glances..trying to digest what they just heard.

"What is all this? Rosa..killed Debby's mother..it must be a set up" Angela said angrily.

"why would Debby do this or why would Rosa do it?" Romeo questioned, confuesd.

"John, get me the name of the police station and send it to me now..Romeo,come with me, Angela, you stay.." Frank ordered as he flung his jacket on his shoulder, grabbed his car key and walked hurriedly out of the room with Romeo.


"She just called me and told me about her mother and I went cos i couldn't get in touch with you. I found her already dead and i was so shocked I couldn't move, couldn't think. before I could do anything, the polices were there"

Francis sighed, shutting his eyes. He couldn't bear to see her like this, in handcuffs and looking so haggard from crying too much.

They were in the C.P.O's office.. She was standing and crying as she recounted how it happened.

"But sir, tell us what to expect in this case" Romeo said to the CPO.

"She was found at the scene of murder.."The officer replied

"Hold on officer..." Francis started."How did you know about this."

"A neighbor called us to report  struggle in a house close by and that it seemed serious"

"Did you get the identification of the neigbour?"

"She hung up before we could"

"She?" Both Romeo and Francis chorused and exchanged glanced while the officer nodded. 

Romeo shook his head.."Men..this is major!"

Francis looked at Rosa who kept shedding tears,, his heart was heavy and he pitied her. Knowing he couldn't stand and embrace her made him angrier. Just then, the door opened and Debby walked in...her face was swollen and she looked tired. She came with Ella and Perri.

The officer stood up for her while the men remained seated.

"You are welcome Madam, so sorry for your loss"

Debby made no reply but walked up to Rosa and looked at her ,expressionless.

"I loved you, I clothed you, gave you a job, treated you like a sister and all you did was to kill my mother.."

"You did this to me Debby..you set me up and you know it.." Rosa cried.

"Set you up..? You did this to yourself Rosa..all i did was loved you..you left the house and went to take on my mother? WHy? WHat did I do to you?"

Rosa gasped. "You sacked me Debby..you sent me away..I left..and you called me about your mother and because I was stupid and I thought you were actually a good person , I fell for it. Officers check her phone.."

"I sacked you? WHen? WHere? WHo was there?"

Rosa pointed at both Ella and Peri. "They were there but they are your musketeers so the wouldn't talk. Birds of the same feather.  You did this because of Francis right..but guess what,,,he loves me...." Rosa continued proudly"....and I love him and no amount of your plans will ever change that.. you are  a looser Debby..no body would love you! You killed your own mother..sent away your bestfriend,.now you setting me up..you will rot in hell Debby!" 

"Oh my God! Officers! She wants to kill me too!" Debby screamed and started sobbing.

"She didn't say anything about killing you madam but with everything she has said,we need to know if you are pressing charges or not."

"I am!" Debby exclaimed. "SHe must pay for this!"

"Alright, take the lady away officers" the CPO said to the officers standing behind Rosa.

Just as she was being taken away..she quickly pushed one of the officers away and ran into Francis who seemed shocked..but hugged her tightly as she said."I didn't do it Francis, don't let her win. Come with my script the next time  take my bag with you "
Then she kissed Francis deeply but roughly while the officers pulled her away and as  walked she gave Debby  a triumphant look before being taken away.

"Officers! That lady is dangerous, you must do everything to keep her away from me..she must go to jail" Debby said firmly to the CPO.

"I understand ma, but we need to do a proper investigation.."Said the officer but Debby was angry and shouted. "What further investigation when she was found there!"

"We practice fair justice here so as not to send the wrong person to jail...that is the protocol..if she is guilty be rest assured that she will pay for it." the officer said emphatically.

Debby rolled her eyes and walked out of the room with Ella and Perri.

The officer sighed. "This seems even more complicated than I thought. I would advise you Mr Francis to get a lawyer. That lady that just left now seems very dangerous..I won't be surprise if this whole thing is a set up..but you need to prove it. She is on a journey of Vendetta for the suspect , I will fear her if I were you"

"Thank You officer"  Francis replied. "Please where is the bag she came with and we need a bail"

"Come with me please"

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