DEBBYEverything should work out well. Only if those two morons could come up with a perfect alibi for her and Perri better watch Ella..that dimwit was behaving as if she could crack at any moment. There must be no cracking.
She stood up from the bed and bent down a little to pick something from under the bed..she dragged out a small wooden box and put it on the bed. She opened it was filled with all sorts of jewelry which she took out one after the other..later she brought out an I-phone//her mother’s phone. She switched it on and went through the applications. When she got to recorded videos, she smiled and pressed a button, having heard what she wanted, she pressed the “delete” button and put the phone off again, returning it back to its former place and pushed the box back to where she had pulled it out from.
She walked to her dressing table and was massaging her neck while she stared at herself in the mirror.
“Mirror mirror on the wall…will they ever find out I did it..?”
She hoped not. Only if Francis would just stop defending that girl. She knew there was no way she could get Francis back now, not with the way he looked at her with so much hatred. Even though she hadn’t gotten the courage to even speak to him, she needed to. Even if she may never have him, that fool will never have him either. She would never take her future from her. She has worked too hard for this and now some stupid low level girl will just mess it up for her. No! She would die in jail. She had made sure she was granted a bail and she would make sure she dies in jail too!
She had just come back from the hospital…her husband hadn’t even opened his eyes yet and no one was with him..of course she had played the part of the good dutiful and sad wife who wished the best for her husband but it was best if he just died. She had always wondered who his Lawyer was but she had no idea, if she could just get in touch with the lawyer and see for herself what is written in the will. She had asked so many times, even during one of their lame sex, he just didn’t say anything.
Asking John was a no no for her as well..what if John was right. What if there was nothing for her if this man dies?
Well, just like she had said, if she could not have Francis, no one would.
There was a knock on the door.
“come on in” She responded.
Perri opened the door. “He is back Madam”
“Alright. Thanks..and perri, how is that Alibi coming?”
“Well, I’m thinking if we lie that you went shopping , they may ask for the receipts of things that were I don’t know what to say”
“I need something that would prove I was with someone that day Perri”
“We could say you were in the house but if you were, we wouldn’t have called Francis that his father fainted”
“You are useless” She replied angrily..just go away and come up with something better..remember the court is in a few days time and please watch that other useless girl too..she seemed she could crack any moment’
“She is just scared Debby”
“Well, seems you are the only brilliant one then. If she cracks, nothing again for the both of you so make sure she doesn’t. Now go!’
Peri left and she returned to her reflection in the mirror. She had been waiting for Francis to come home..he had hardly been home all these while. This was time..
She opened the door without knocking and he spun, giving her a deadly glare.
“What do you want ?” He groaned. He looked really tired and even more did she mess up this much?
She closed the door and leaned against it, looking at him while he stared at her suspiciously.
“Leave my room this minute!” He ordered calmly.
“She is not worth it Francis.” She replied.
His expression showed surprise and then he laughed.
“And you worth it?” He squinted. “You disgust me Debby. Some one like you must not be on this are a maggot.amd I hate you with every bit of me”
Debby smiled. She could see he meant every word but maybe it was time to speed things up.
“She doesn’t love you Francis..I brought her so she could spy on you. So you could lover her and tell her whatever you were planning against me..all the love you think she has was fake. I made her do it. Did she tell you that?”
She waited for a reaction but got none. He only glared at her , arms akimbo and looking so fine in his white T-shirt.
“And so? You think I was stupid enough not to know that you had planned that . Guess what, I knew, even if she hadn’t told me. She doesn’t need to because it doesn’t matter anymore. She loves me and I love her and we are both faithful to each other. So don’t think you can use this to come between us. You are going down way if you are through, would you leave my room you pathetic looser!”
Debby flinched at his words. How could he still trust Rosa after all this! How could he still love her! He had lied to her for God’s sake.
“And in case you are wondering if after knowing this, I still love’s

“Now leave!”
She sighed and walked out of the room, hopeful not to trip as she did.
Francis held his father’s hand as he laughed weekly after he and John had just filled him on everything that happened. He was still weak and could die at any time.
“That lady is such a big bitch isn’t she John?”
John nodded where he sat.
“Why in God’s name did you bring her to my house?”
“Sorry Boss. I thought you could need someone like that with the little time to you have”
“Don’t ever do that again.”
John nodded soberly.
“So you said Rosa wasn’t granted a bail?”
Francis nodded.
“That’s cold” Frank continued. “Once you win this case, don’t let that bitch take my stuff okay? She must leave with nothing”
“She won’t have the chance since she will be going to Jail from there” John replied.
“We need a good lawyer” Francis stated and the other men exchanged glances.
“A good lawyer?” His father asked. “ You already have a good lawyer here, don’t you know?”
Francis was confused.
“John is my private lawyer and he has saved me from so much since I can barely remember. He has my will and everything and I trust him with my life..if not for Debby that almost ruined that. But trust me..he will win the case for you”
Francis gasped. “John! You are a Lawyer! How many Jobs do you do?” He asked jokingly.
“That my dear is something I will not tell you” John replied with a chuckle. “Now, how about you fill me up on every thing about your Ex slash Step-mother” He looked at Frank who laughed weakly to what had just been said,
“Men..that is so fucked up!” Said Frank.
“You don’t say” Chuckled John as he brought out a pen and a paper. “Now, tell me everything”
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